Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jori - 2 Months Old!

Oh, my precious baby girl . . . you are 2 months old!  Some things we have learned about you . . .
- you are now 8 lbs 4 oz.  (still smaller than your brother was when he was born!)
- you are 21 1/2 inches long.
- you love to sleep on your belly (even though that is a big no no!!)
- you love to watch your brother be silly!
- you are starting to smile on your own when we play with you!  You have the greatest smile on earth!
- you are sleeping pretty good though the night . . . you only get up around 4am to eat now!
- you finally fit into newborn clothes!!  
- you really did not like your 2 month shots!
- you have eyes that melt your daddy and mommy's hearts!
- when you are done with your bottle . . . you will let us know by throwing out that bottom lip and pushing your lips together!
- you are beginning to really like your swing.
- you love to grab on to your mommy's necklace and not let go!
- you are just the most precious little girl on the planet!

Happy 2 months baby girl!

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